It is intended for sterilization of the closed cans. Represents the vertical vessel of the cylindrical form closed tightly by a cover. It is equipped with heat insulation.
Sterilization can be carried out:
- In the fresh water which is warmed up by vapor, with water against pressure;
- In the fresh water which is warmed up by vapor, with air pressure;
- By means of vapor, with air against pressure.
Loading and dredging of baskets with canned food is made by means of the capture entering into the complete set of delivery of an autoclave.
The control is carried out visually on devices (to a manometer and the thermometer).
It is supplied by two safety valves limiting limiting pressure in the device.
Management of process, adjustments, opening and closing of systems of pipelines individual manual. The supply and tap of vapor, water, air, a condensate is calculated on the closed system of communications.